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Happy Memorial Day From Quality Biker Patches!!

support our troops biker patch

Click here to see support our troops patriotic flag patch today!! 

Hello everyone, good Monday morning to all of you, I also wanted to say Happy Memorial day as well from Bill and I here at Quality Biker Patches. I know that its been a little while since myself has wrote on here but I just wanted to give you all a quick Memorial Day shout out and to showcase a lovely patriotic patch today!

Since it is a patriotic holiday this beautiful patch you see above is one of our favorite military and patriotic patches we have in our collection. I think this particular patch represents a day like Memorial Day like no other. Memorial Day is a day that we set aside as a country and show our support for our heroes who have served or who are still serving this great nation. This patch definitely stands out and keeps that memory of the fallen in our thoughts. Continue reading Happy Memorial Day From Quality Biker Patches!!

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Happy Holidays from Quality Biker Patches!!

Support our troops biker patch

Click here to see our military patches today!! 

Hey good morning everyone, hope everyone is dong well. It is another great day and good start to the work week here at Quality Biker Patches! All is in full swing again for the holidays and boy isn’t it starting to feel like it, really cool out the last few days even here in Florida!!

We all can’t wait for Christmas to be upon us so we are hoping everyone is enjoying their holiday season so far. I am totally in the spirit and almost have most of my shopping done. Now I want to help all of you find what you are looking for this season! Continue reading Happy Holidays from Quality Biker Patches!!

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Patriotic In Memory of Our Fallen Brothers Patch


Fallen brothers

Check out this Fallen Brothers Remembrance Patch Today!!!

Are you interested in patriotic military remembrance patches? Or are you a Veteran? If you are, then you should check out this new In Memory of Our Fallen Brothers patch! Its characteristics are quite bold and loaded with detail. It shows a soldier bowing down to a fellow fallen brother, which is stunning for all of our veterans out there. It displays such patriotic heroism in supporting our troops. This design would be shown off proudly on any biker gear and will last for years.

So if you want to show off you support to our nation then you will definitely enjoy displaying this and wearing it around. This particular patch comes in two different sizes. The large one is 11.5  inches wide by 13.25 inches high. Which is definitely best for the back of any biker jacket. The medium one is 5 inches wide by 5.5 inches high. This smaller patch can be used for just about anything. I think it would look great on a duffel bag or backpack, or any tote-able gear. But, the choice is up to you!!!

Continue reading Patriotic In Memory of Our Fallen Brothers Patch

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Support Our Troops Patriotic Military POW-MIA Biker Patch

Support out troops patriotic veterans biker patch

See this great patch in two sizes here now!

One of my most popular military and Veterans patches is the one above. It’s a great patch to honor our brave men and women in all branches of the military. The whole patch is in the shape of a shield. In the center is the classic fallen soldier symbol of a pair of boots with an upright rifle and a helmet on top.

There are 5 yellow stars above it and the words “IN MEMORY OF OUR FALLEN HEROES” just below it with a star on each side. Around that are round symbols of the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and a POW-MIA symbol.

At the top is “SUPPORT OUR TROOPS DEFENDING AMERICAN FREEDOM” with a yellow ribbon at the end of the last letter. The bottom says “HONOR THOSE WHO NEVER RETURN. In the background is a subdued black and white American flag.

Support out troops patriotic veterans biker patch

See this great patch in two sizes here now!

It has a lot of detail and says a lot for our men and women in service. The large size is 9.5 inches wide by 12.5 inches high. The medium size is 4.5 inches by 6 inches. The smaller size does not have as much detail since everything is squeezed into a smaller space. But it still looks fantastic.

As always the patch is top quality with a thick twill backing and quality, colorful threads. You can sew it or iron it on, your choice. It’s a great patriotic patch that says a lot and packs an emotional punch. Remember and support our troops with this quality military patriotic patch today!