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Billiards Skull With Top Hat Embroidered Biker Patch

billiard skull wearing top hat

Click here to check out the latest billiards skull with top hat today!! 

Good morning everyone, how is everyone doing this fine Friday ? Hope all is well, I am sitting here enjoying the morning with some music in the office looking around at all of our newer products. It is nice to see the newer stuff come in as the year goes on. With that being said, I can not believe we are almost to the end of the month here as April almost comes to a close! There are a lot more things coming up here within the next month and the summer as well so we will keep you all up to speed. Continue reading Billiards Skull With Top Hat Embroidered Biker Patch

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Subdued Grey American Flag Skull Embroidered Patch

grey subdued flag skull

Click here to see the latest subdued grey flag skull today! 

Good afternoon everyone when is the last time you ran into a really unique American flag skull patch??? Well the patch above is one of the popular ones we have here at Quality Biker Patches which is pretty similar to the skull with the thin blue line but this one is pure subdued grey.

This patch features a cool looking skull with the American Flag in a subdued grey color with the stars and stripes across the face. With this patch you will be able to definitely show off your American pride at any biker event or just out on the town! Continue reading Subdued Grey American Flag Skull Embroidered Patch

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Happy New Year From Quality Biker Patches!

sugar skull butterfly biker patch

Check out this Sugar Skull Butterfly patch today!! 

Good morning everyone hope everyone is doing quite well this Monday morning! I also hope everyone has had a great holiday season and that all of you are starting off the new year on the right foot!! Can’t believe it is 2018 already and this is my first personal post of the year, I have been extremely busy and all since the holidays rolled around and spending time with family.

It was also both Bill’s birthday and mine at the beginning of this month, so that was also very fun! With that being said the new year is working out well so far here at Quality Biker Patches and we can not wait to see what the whole entire year has in store for us!  Continue reading Happy New Year From Quality Biker Patches!

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Baby Girl Skull And Crossbones Embroidered Biker Patch

ladies day of the dead skull patch

Click here to check out the latest ladies day of the dead skull patch!! 

Good Tuesday morning everyone, how are all of you doing on this gorgeous day? I am doing well enjoying a cup of coffee and looking at the refreshing weather we are somewhat having. Its mid day for me and I been looking around the office here and came across a lovely new patch! This patch is definitely different and are for the ladies. It is a really cool new skull and crossbones patch that definitely has an unique look! This patch is an edgy one with that feminine and elegant style.

Do you like collecting skulls? Or love anything from the Day of the Dead? Then this patch might be what you want to add to your biker wardrobe. All the ladies out there would enjoy this type of  patch to their collection simply because it will look stylish and look stunning on just about anything. I personally love the fact that this reminds me of Harley Quinn and her bad ass style and charisma.

This patch has a skull-like face and also crossbones behind her that matches in the same color as her hair, which to me, gives this patch edgy characteristics. This patch has very bright blue and pink colors and has lots of extra details. The Day of the Dead skull has a nicely hand painted look to her face from the heart on her cheek to the skeleton like smile it is almost similar to something you would find as a tattoo design.  Continue reading Baby Girl Skull And Crossbones Embroidered Biker Patch

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Reflective Biker Skull With Scarf And Helmet Patch

reflective skull biker patch

Check out the newest reflective skull biker patch today!! 

Good morning everyone, hope everyone is enjoy this wonderful Tuesday. I know I am, there isn’t a better way then sipping a coffee at work and looking around at all the new products. So before I go ahead and show off a fancy new patch for all of you, I just want to give everyone a heads up that I will not be here starting Thursday of next week.  I can not wait to have this mini vacation! I am heading up north to Boston with my daughter for the first time, so it will be very exciting! Maybe even see some fall foliage, get away from this crazy Florida heat for awhile. Nothing could be greater than going back home again. Continue reading Reflective Biker Skull With Scarf And Helmet Patch