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Your Fate Is Waiting Skeleton Cowboy With Guns Biker Patch

skeleton cowboy with guns patch

Click here to check out this skeleton cowboy with guns patch today!!

Good morning everyone, hope everyone had a great weekend. It was a short but okay weekend for me nice weather this week compared to this time last week. Now it is time to start off a new week with a cup of coffee and bringing back an older style patch this morning. There is just something about this patch that says bad-ass to me, why I wanted to showcase this one for you all this morning.

So does anyone out there like skeletons? Or interesting looking cowboys? Or are you a cowboy yourself? This might be a cool patch for you to add to your personal collection. Maybe you like guns as well, maybe own a few and like to go shooting every once in awhile. This patch is definitely one of a kind and unique in every way. Continue reading Your Fate Is Waiting Skeleton Cowboy With Guns Biker Patch

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See No Evil Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil Skull Mummy Patch

see no evil hear no evil speak no evil patch

Check out the new see no evil mummy patch today!!! 

Hello everyone happy hump day almost getting to the end of the week. I am getting more and more anxious for this upcoming week vacation so I am writing tons of new post for you all in an advance to keep you entertained while I am gone. I hope all of my viewers enjoy and see something you all like. So I would love to bring another great stunning patch to your attention.

As you can see above this unique patch has a popular saying to it. I am sure most of you out there have heard of “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil.” I think that all of us in one shape or form go by this too!!! I believe the less I do the less harm is done to me, kind of like a karma saying. So if you are into this specific motto or into mummies or some sort of skulls then this patch is definitely for you.  Continue reading See No Evil Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil Skull Mummy Patch