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Lady Rider Chain Engine Embroidered Biker Patch

lady rider chain engine biker patchClick here to see the newest Lady Rider patch today!! 

Hello everyone and good morning on this lovely Monday, hope that everyone enjoyed their Super Bowl weekend and festivities. I know that I did, unfortunately the game did not go in our favor but hey always next season. With that being said congrats to Philadelphia and their win and on to improving even more in the off season. Anyways, today starts off a new week with new things here at Quality Biker Patches.

Our new inventory is rolling in and everything is looking up in the right direction so far for 2018 and that is a plus for us. So I would love to take a little time here this morning and showcase another unique and interesting ladies patch we just got in. For all my lady riders this one is a beauty and will definitely show off your motorcycle pride with this eye catchy design. If you are into sporting around a feminine but edgy patch this one may be for you. Continue reading Lady Rider Chain Engine Embroidered Biker Patch

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Loving Eyes Pin Up Ladies Skull Embroidered Biker Patch

pin up ladies skull patch

Click here to check out the latest skull pin up patch today!!! 

 Good Tuesday afternoon everyone, how is it going on this fantastic day? I am more than okay about ready to end the day on a good note. But first I have some new items that I came across that are new this week in the office. One of them is a really cool new skull patch I would love to showcase for you today. This one is definitely unique and can absolutely draw attention to the eye! This patch is a mix of elegance and edgy all at once and contains a real feminine girly look.

So do you enjoy skulls? Or pin ups of any kind? Then this patch might be what you are looking for. To all my ladies out there this patch will fashionably look stunning on anything. I personally love the bold colors and style that this patch gives off and the heart-shaped eyes are pretty cool, edgy vibe to them that gives it the cool girly characteristics. This patch is very bold in colors and has lots of detail. The pin up skull look has pink roses and an almost tattoo style look to her face featuring a heart painted on her cheek as well. It also features a pink ribbon wrapped around her tied up blonde hair.  Continue reading Loving Eyes Pin Up Ladies Skull Embroidered Biker Patch

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Ladies Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Eagle with Ribbon Biker Patch

pink ribbon eagle patch

Click here to check out our new ladies breast cancer awareness patch today!!!

Hey everyone how are you all doing this awesome solar eclipse Monday??? I am doing OK here got a small glimpse of the eclipse which was pretty cool but hard to see here in Florida with our stormy afternoons in the summer!!! But wow did the temperature drop and it was definitely not anything that I have ever experience in my entire life!!! Continue reading Ladies Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Eagle with Ribbon Biker Patch

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Day Of The Dead Skull with Two Guns Embroidered Patch

day of the dead sugar skull

Check out the newest day of the dead sugar skull patch today!!!

Happy Monday afternoon everyone!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend and got out to do something fun!! Well the weekend went by pretty quick yet again and here we are starting another new, exciting week of more things coming!! I have another awesome ladies patch to showcase for you today. Continue reading Day Of The Dead Skull with Two Guns Embroidered Patch

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Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Violeta Candy Biker Patch

sugar skull candy patch

Check out this new ladies Day of the Dead Sugar Skull patch today!!!

Good Monday morning everyone, how is everyone doing? Hope that everyone is doing splendid and had an amazing weekend. I know it was a very relaxing and calm weekend for me, unfortunately not so much of the good weather here so no real outdoor fun this week. It is always nice to be catching up on that R & R from time to time though so no complaints here!!! Well this morning is going and I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee as I sit here and realize that I have yet another great awesome new ladies patch in store for you to see today!!!

So when is the last time that you came across a really cool looking and very different skull patch??? Its been a little while since I have seen a stunning patch like this Violeta Candy Sugar Skull patch. This gal above has amazing and definitely unique details, I absolutely love the side view of this patch gives us a different point of view to the patch. This Sugar Skull beauty has intricate details from the artwork on her face and the full purple bodacious hair she has to all the bold and eye catchy rose in her hair to the ones below her. Very nicely brought together for a very feminine and elegant feel. Continue reading Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Violeta Candy Biker Patch