See this great patch in two sizes here now!
One of my most popular military and Veterans patches is the one above. It’s a great patch to honor our brave men and women in all branches of the military. The whole patch is in the shape of a shield. In the center is the classic fallen soldier symbol of a pair of boots with an upright rifle and a helmet on top.
There are 5 yellow stars above it and the words “IN MEMORY OF OUR FALLEN HEROES” just below it with a star on each side. Around that are round symbols of the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and a POW-MIA symbol.
At the top is “SUPPORT OUR TROOPS DEFENDING AMERICAN FREEDOM” with a yellow ribbon at the end of the last letter. The bottom says “HONOR THOSE WHO NEVER RETURN. In the background is a subdued black and white American flag.
See this great patch in two sizes here now!
It has a lot of detail and says a lot for our men and women in service. The large size is 9.5 inches wide by 12.5 inches high. The medium size is 4.5 inches by 6 inches. The smaller size does not have as much detail since everything is squeezed into a smaller space. But it still looks fantastic.
As always the patch is top quality with a thick twill backing and quality, colorful threads. You can sew it or iron it on, your choice. It’s a great patriotic patch that says a lot and packs an emotional punch. Remember and support our troops with this quality military patriotic patch today!