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2nd Amendment Rights 3 Piece Rocker Back Patch Biker Set

3 piece second amendment rocker patch  Click here to see the latest 2nd Amendment 3 piece rocker set!! 

Good morning everyone how are you all doing this morning? I hope all is well I just wanted to stop by and tell you all about a 3 piece biker patch set that you may want to get for someone for the upcoming holidays. This one is a patriotic one! Continue reading 2nd Amendment Rights 3 Piece Rocker Back Patch Biker Set

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2nd Amendment Rights Skeleton Motorcycle Biker Patch

motorcycle skeleton biker patch

See this great looking 2nd amendment biker patch here!

Sorry I have not made a post lately, been very busy with work! Right now I’m on a vacation, visiting family in Vermont where I’m originally from. I’ll be back on the 25th.

Anyways today I wanted to tell you about a cool 2nd amendment rights motorcycle patch I have. It has a round design but with a motorcycle busting out of it down below.

Around the top part of the circle is the words “MY RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” in white letters. Then below it is a skeleton biker dude riding a motorcycle.
Continue reading 2nd Amendment Rights Skeleton Motorcycle Biker Patch

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Patriotic The Second Amendment Rights, Don’t Tread On Me Embroidered Biker Patch

The 2nd amendment gun rights biker patch

See this beautiful 2nd Amendment gun rights patch here!

One of my most popular biker patches, in fact one of my top 5, is my patriotic 2nd amendment rights patch. Everything about it is perfect with lots of details and contrasting colors. Of course it’s popular with gun rights folks, of which most bikers belong to.

Made of heavy, thick black twill backing the top has “The 2nd Amendment” in beautiful gold color with silver stars and flourishes above it. Just below that in smaller white text is the part of the amendment text, which says:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

Then in the center is a silver American bald eagle with wings spread with a stars and stripes shield in front of it. Two crossed rifles, or maybe shotguns, are in front of the shield.

To the left and right in gold is the year 1791. On the faded old style banner at the bottom is “PROTECT OUR RIGHTS”. Then finally at the very bottom in gold is “Don’t Tread On Me” with more silver stars and flourishes.

It’s one of the most detailed and patriotic biker patches I have seen in a long time. It’s also a one of a kind design; you don’t find this patch many places. Even the shape of the patch is great as it follows the design and flourishes.

So if your into defending your gun rights this is the patch for you. I have this in two sizes. A big one for the back of a jacket or vest that is 11 inches wide by 12.5 inches high, and a medium one that is 4.5 inches by 5 inches.

I now even have matching top and bottom rocker patches that perfectly match this patch. Made in gold and brown color you can buy the full 3 pc set here for a complete look.

If you believe strongly in your 2nd amendment gun rights, check out this fantastic looking patriotic biker patch. The 2nd Amendment, Don’t Tread On Me with silver American bald eagle and USA flag shield patch will be one you proudly wear!

The 2nd amendment gun rights biker patch

See this beautiful 2nd Amendment gun rights patch here!