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Happy Holidays And Happy 2022!!!

Hi there everyone let me start out by saying I have been a bit busy around here with the holidays that I apologize that I have not been able to post often!! 

I wanted to touch base with all of you and wish you all a Happy Holiday season and to give you a heads up for what is in store for the New Year! We are so excited and hoping for a better New Year 2022 things can only get better from 2021!

The New Year we will be having a lot going on and new items coming in and events. I will try to make more post on more items as we get them in. So lets make this short and sweet. You all know we been quite busy yet quite around here going through the inventory we recently have and trying to add to it.

We are trying to add more and more cool and unique items as frequently as possible which all of you will have to keep your eyes peeled for. We are trying to add more patches monthly.

We will be getting in stock very soon hopefully in January newer large biker patches from all different design options we already have and also add things we don’t have. From pure biker type patches to Native American styles to all the sparkly girlie ladies patches!

For all my customers that are shopping for new items you will soon choose from all we will have, and also our older stuff. It will be a mix of all hot items for any biker you will just have to wait and see what is in store!! We can not wait to see what 2022 has in store for us for we are hoping that it will be better than 2021!!

So go ahead and keep your eyes peeled for new items and new post on the hot items as they come! So again hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and we cannot wait to see you all around in 2022!! Take care from all of us here at Quality Biker Patches. 🙂 🙂