Check out the newest day of the dead sugar skull patch today!!!
Happy Monday afternoon everyone!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend and got out to do something fun!! Well the weekend went by pretty quick yet again and here we are starting another new, exciting week of more things coming!! I have another awesome ladies patch to showcase for you today.
This one is a beauty as you can see above its another one of my famous sugar skull patches I have not gotten around to talk about yet. Anyways are you simply a Day of the Dead fan? Or do you like sugar skulls or the art to them ? Or are you just simply into a bad-ass girl patch with a hint of elegance? Well this patch sure serves all those qualities.
This authentic Day of the Dead patch is different from most of the ones we previously showcased. This specific ladies patch has lots of details and is quite amazing to the eye. This gal has that bad girl attitude and is not afraid to show it off!!! She carries two guns, which look like two pistols, in each hand.
The painted artwork to her face gives this lady a tough girl vibe and the grips of her hands on the pistols means she is not taking anything from anybody!!! She has long dark hair and a bright pink rose accentuating the top of her head with lips to match the floral detail.
This patch comes in two different sizes. The large sized patch measures 8 inches wide by 10.25 inches high. A patch like this will look extravagant on the back of any ladies biker shirt, vest or leather jacket. It is definitely a great size that will take up most of the back of any of these items , you wont be missed being seen wearing this design around!!!
The smaller patch on the other hand measures 4.25 inches wide by 5.25 inches high and would look absolutely stunning on just about anything from the front of any shirt to sporting a hat around town or carrying any type of bag!!! So if you are interested in this gal I would definitely go ahead and check it out!!!
Our patches are top notch quality that is guaranteed to last you forever. These patches have a tough durable twill backing that will never come apart or be damaged. They will withstand a lot of horrible conditions whether it is weather related or not!!!
This type of Day of the Dead skull patch is one that really keeps anything in your wardrobe looking fresh with lots of attitude will keep any lady feeling edgy. So if you can not live without this one in your collection I highly recommend that you check this one out, these won’t be around for long!!! You will absolutely be more than happy you did!!!